Saturday, August 9, 2014

tops .. tops .. and more tops ...

When will they end ... all these UFO's ... haha ...  possibly never .. I have so many to complete .. and these are just the easy ones .. The ones that just needed straightening and a border or two added ... there are so many more to do tucked away in the cupboard and tubs ... and only a couple with just borders .. the rest are major construction jobs ... and some are just yards of uncut fabric ... but those ones will possibly be the tops left to last ... I am still not to the point where I want to pull them out and count them yet ... 

but this past week I have managed to get 3 done ... 

I also started on a ring cushion for a friend's daughter who is getting married in October .... and while I was at it I thought I would have a play with a smaller one like it ... this one will end up about 7 inches square while the one for my friend will be bigger ... 


  1. Oh I hope you get them all done this year! My fingers are crossed for you!

  2. You are one very talented young lady. Is there no stopping you...amazing.

  3. oh well done you are on a roll... it's wonderful to read more of you and your work in blogland too. Its a good feeling getting them done...
