Thursday, October 7, 2010

Licensed to Drive !!!!

lol ... I had my driving test for my bus license ... and passed with flying colours .... "perfect score" is what the instructor told the office clerk as she worked on putting all the data into the computer ..... I was soooo proud of myself .... a bit big headed I reckon ... but gee it took alot out of me ... I truly am getting too old for this sort of excitment ... haha .....

There is just one more thing I have to do before I can get in the school bus and drive the kiddies to school is to get a drivers acceditation ......  and that is by getting and passing a medical and federal police check .... the police check I will have no problem with ... the medical ... that is another thing ..... although I seem to be the only doubting that at this time ... maybe I look better than I feel ... and if that is the case ... me thinks I could be in serious trouble people ... lol

It takes a couple of weeks to get all the results back ... and when that happens ... it's look out kiddies ... here I come .....


  1. congratulation, you prove that you are never too old. The mirrors do lie don't they??? I swear that the person looking back at me must be someonelses mother. Look out kiddies they are so lucky to have you.

  2. thank you so much Larain .... and it is true about the mirror haha .. somedays i have to look twice before i realise it is me looking back ... soooo very strange .... or maybe it is my brain that lies to me !!!!! lol

  3. big congrats!!! the kiddies will have a great time! good luck with the medical

  4. I passed the medical too .... and am sooo relieved .. haha... mainly because it costs around $250 to get everything and if i failed any part of it ... there goes that dough and i have to pay all over again ... but ... that is all tax deductable now ... so i am one happy girl ....

  5. Well done and congrats are in
    C O N G R A T S !

  6. woohoo Miss Boobie... I bet you are so relieved to have that out of the way... wonderful news... when do you start xxxx
